Thursday, October 11, 2007

Of lectures and commentry

         Students of VJTI who may read this post (?) don't need me to describe to them how lectures are conducted in the age old institution. The EDC teacher for the IT division is a typical example of the sub standard faculty at VJTI. (In her defense I will state that this is probably her first stint at teaching, and the subject is very dry.) The only good thing about her lectures is that she is hardly bothered about what happens in the class, which means that we get ample scope to complete journals, study some other subject, or persue any other leisure activity of our choice. It was not much different today on 11 October 2007. What was special about the day was that there was an India Australia cricket match on this day and when India elected to bat everyone was keen to listen to the commentry rather than be bored by the EDC lecture. I am afraid that those who chose to listen to the commentry probably repented over their choice especially since India played the most horrid game of cricket imaginable, and those who listened to the commentry may have thought as an after thought that maybe the EDC lecture was not such a bad deal after all. Now even though the EDC teacher is not much perturbed over the lack of attention, I am sure that she would not be impressed if she were to spot any one wearing ear plugs and listening to the commentry while she is teaching. So while I sat in front, my friend Paresh sat behind me and listened to the commentry. I screened him from the teacher's view and he provided a ball by ball update which I in turn relayed to those in front of my. More often than not the update was tragic rather than entertaining and even though the Indian team collapsed for a pathetic total I don't think that the teacher had a clue of how far the students' minds were, reaching from VJTI to Vadodara where the match was being played. But narrating the experience here hardly describes the actual feel of it. You have to be a VJTI IT student to know.

(I do not believe that this experience is unique and probably other students in other divisions of VJTI and other colleges may also have had similar experiences, but it is quite likely that I may be one of the few people to write about it.)

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