Sunday, December 16, 2007

Vacation = college festivals

         The vacations started long ago and the VJTI students (unlike their unfortunate MU counterparts) are now busy preparing for the avalanche of college festivals which can be expected in the even sem in 2008. Starting the avalanche will be Technovanza 08 followed by Enthusia and Pratibimb. With such a mammoth no. of activities it will be but natural that the curricular activities may as well be forgotten. Here is a glimpse into the activities going on in the Hub.
Disclaimer: All the comments and people mentioned are purely imaginary and any resemblance to real persons is purely co incidental.
Mr. B(Name withheld due to obvious reasons): Technovanza publicity must be done in all the leading newspapers across the country. Give Technovanza publicity articles for the classifieds pages also.
Mr. N: Yes the publicity should also be seen in the Matrimonial pages of all leading papers.
Mr. R: If we get a space for Technovanza in the classifieds pages and matrimonial columns then the obituary coulumn cannot be missed.

Mr. S: Aarey yeh PC pe se Photoshop ud gaya lagata hai. Oy Mr. A idhar aa. Search for the photoshop install file and install it on this PC again
Mr. A: Sure. (After some time) There is no photoshop install file available on this PC. The only other install file on this PC does not run. Pls ask Mr. R what is to be done.
Mr. S: Aarey Mr. R has gone for lunch and I want this done today.
Mr. A: Gee sir, but the file is just not there and besides I got to visit the Doctor, (u r) pain in the (...)

This concludes the insider's report of an imagined college festival Hub. More details later.

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