Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hello World

I have taken it upon myself to inaugurate this wunnerful blog. (Its not wunnerful yet. But i'm sure it will be) Cause it looks all barren.. kinda like a midday's sun on a white desert.

Hello World, of course, comes from that lame-ass CP program we wrote last sem. Semester 1. When the world was younger... and we had everything to lose...
Notice how the IQ level required to do a program increases from one semester to the next. Last sem we were breaking our head over how to generate a sine series. Now we display "DONALD DUCK" on the screen.
Yes i DO know there's a point to the whole thing.. i'm just not willing to acknowledge it right now.

Anyways .. here's to a long blogging session which will last more than just our 3 years in this hell hole (which we all love.. or do we?)

- Sukanya


Anand Modi said...

Ok so why do I get the feeling that this blog is looking a bit dead? Where are the active bloggers?

sukanya said...

Gawd knows. People make a blog, join it and disappear. sigh.

Anand Modi said...

u could say that again. Why don't u put up some more posts? And publicize the blog a bit. Orkut publicity should do the trick